Why we should hand over steering our life in anyone’s hands without full trust? I feel we should not be involved in friendship or relationships at the age of 18. This age is just very immature to decide on our great life story. We need to be on firm footing for getting the best level of our life.

Now if a breakup has happened then it may sound wonderful as God might have thought something better for your life. Never feel helpless in life my friends. This will not solve any of our problems.

Have self-belief, and self-confidence and enjoy your life. Worries are not going to solve your problems. So try to increase your confidence level. For that, you have to do some focused affirmations and meditation every day without fail for some time which you feel you can spare. These two things will give you some top level of your mindset.

I don’t know what you are doing in your life at the moment but the above paragraph will change your thought process and never feel disheartened. You can message me for any further clarification. The best thing here is that at least you have disclosed your mental toughness by asking your clarification on the current situation. All the best for your future life.

My dear friends. I am getting your love and affection unlimited on my answers and questions. I want to thank you all for your wonderful support to me.



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