Are you taking your day-long worries & tension at home?

There was a woman named Radha. Every day, she and her husband would leave for work in the morning.

Throughout the day, her husband struggled with the deadline to meet his targets at the office, facing competition from his colleagues. He never received praise from his boss and silently endured harsh criticism.

Importance of mindpower

Radha also worked at a private company and was troubled throughout the day at her office.

After dealing with such troubles, Radha would return home and cook.

As soon as they entered the house in the evening, both would scold the children for being useless, and while fulfilling the different demands of her husband and children, she would become frantic and irritable. All the responsibilities of household and outdoor work rested on her shoulders.

Exhausted, she began to feel disheartened with her life. Meanwhile, her husband became increasingly aggressive, and the children became rebellious.

One day, the faucet at Radha’s house broke down. She called a plumber to fix it.

The plumber was late in arriving. When asked, he explained that he was delayed due to a flat tyre on his bicycle. The food he had brought from home fell into the dirt, his drill machine broke down, and he lost his wallet from his pocket…

Carrying the burden of all this, he continued to fix the faucet.

Once the work was complete, Radha felt pity for him and offered to give him a ride in her car.

The plumber politely invited her to have tea.

There was a tree outside the plumber’s house. The plumber approached it, caressed its leaves, kissed it, and hung his bag on it.

As soon as he entered his house, his face lit up. He loved his children, looked affectionately at his smiling wife, and asked her to make tea.

Sarla was surprised to see this. When she went outside to ask, the plumber explained, “This is my tree that helps me relieve my troubles. I hang the burden of my problems on it for the night and free myself before stepping into the house.

I do not bring my worries inside. In the morning, when I take the bag off, it feels lighter than the day before. Many problems arise at work, but one thing is certain: I try to keep my wife and children separate from them.

That is why I leave these problems outside. I pray that God makes my difficulties easier. My children love me very much, and my wife gives me so much affection, so why should I burden them with my troubles? He had discovered such a profound philosophy for relief…!

Friends, this is the reality of every household. A family’s home is a place of penance. No one can be happy here without patience and restraint. Nothing in life is permanent, not even our problems.

The plumber’s ‘solution tree’ is a symbol. Why don’t we all find a tree of our own so we can leave all our concerns outside before crossing the threshold of home?

Call to action:

Have self-belief & self-confidence always in life. We may have many ups & downs as a part of our life. Never have a doubtful mind. Just go ahead like a Tiger. Enjoy your life.

We give the same temperament to our all family members. We become what we think. All the best my friends.

